Swap-Free Account

An Islamic or swap-free account is a trading account that is not subject to swaps.
This specific account can be requested by clients who follow Sharia law.*

How does it work?

An Islamic account offers the same features found within our existing account types. However, the key difference is that positions on certain FX and other CFD instruments can be held open overnight without swap or admin fees for a specified period of time.

Here’s a breakdown of our admin/swap free allowance by instrument:

InstrumentAdmin Fees AllowanceAdmin Fees Swap Fees
FX MajorsAdmin fees applied after 7 days3 USD
JPY FX Majors:Admin fees applied after 2 days10 USD
FX MinorsAdmin fees applied after 7 days5 USD
JPY FX Minors:Admin fees applied after 2 days10 USD
FX ExoticsAdmin fees applied after 7 daysN/ASwaps applied after 1 day
Precious MetalsAdmin fees applied after 7 days7 USD
EnergiesAdmin fees applied after 7 days5 USD
Equity IndicesAdmin fees applied after 7 days5 USD
StocksAdmin fees applied after 7 daysN/ASwaps applied after 1 day

If you’d like to open a swap-free account, simply send your request to [email protected], or open a ticket through your Client Portal.

*In the event of abuse, the company may revoke the swap free status provided to any real trading account.

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